
Undocumented in source.



alias CPLReadDir = VSIReadDir
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alias VSIWriteFunction = size_t function(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream)
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alias vsi_l_offset = GUIntBig
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GIntBig CPLGetPhysicalRAM()
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GIntBig CPLGetUsablePhysicalRAM()
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void* VSICalloc(size_t , size_t )
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void* VSICallocVerbose(size_t nCount, size_t nSize, const(char)* pszFile, int nLine)
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void VSICleanupFileManager()
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int VSIFClose(FILE* )
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int VSIFEof(FILE* )
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void VSIFFlush(FILE* )
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int VSIFGetc(FILE* )
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char* VSIFGets(char* , int , FILE* )
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FILE* VSIFOpen(const(char)* , const(char)* )

\file cpl_vsi.h

VSILFILE* VSIFOpenExL(const(char)* , const(char)* , int )
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VSILFILE* VSIFOpenL(const(char)* , const(char)* )
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int VSIFPrintf(FILE* , const(char)* , ...)
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int VSIFPrintfL(VSILFILE* , const(char)* , ...)
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int VSIFPutc(int , FILE* )
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int VSIFPutcL(int , VSILFILE* )
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int VSIFPuts(const(char)* , FILE* )
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size_t VSIFRead(void* , size_t , size_t , FILE* )
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size_t VSIFReadL(void* , size_t , size_t , VSILFILE* )
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int VSIFReadMultiRangeL(int nRanges, void** ppData, vsi_l_offset* panOffsets, size_t* panSizes, VSILFILE* )
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int VSIFSeek(FILE* , int , int )
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int VSIFSeekL(VSILFILE* , vsi_l_offset , int )
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int VSIFTell(FILE* )
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vsi_l_offset VSIFTellL(VSILFILE* )
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int VSIFTruncateL(VSILFILE* , vsi_l_offset )
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size_t VSIFWrite(void* , size_t , size_t , FILE* )
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size_t VSIFWriteL(void* , size_t , size_t , VSILFILE* )
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VSILFILE* VSIFileFromMemBuffer(const(char*) pszFilename, GByte* pabyData, vsi_l_offset nDataLength, int bTakeOwnership)
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void VSIFree(void* )
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GIntBig VSIGetDiskFreeSpace(const(char)* pszDirname)
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GByte* VSIGetMemFileBuffer(const(char)* pszFilename, vsi_l_offset* pnDataLength, int bUnlinkAndSeize)
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int VSIIngestFile(VSILFILE* fp, const(char)* pszFilename, GByte** ppabyRet, vsi_l_offset* pnSize, GIntBig nMaxSize)
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void VSIInstallCryptFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallCurlFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallCurlStreamingFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallGZipFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallLargeFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallMemFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallS3FileHandler()
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void VSIInstallS3StreamingFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallSparseFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallStdinHandler()
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void VSIInstallStdoutHandler()
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void VSIInstallSubFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallTarFileHandler()
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void VSIInstallZipFileHandler()
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void* VSIMalloc(size_t )
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void* VSIMalloc2(size_t nSize1, size_t nSize2)

VSIMalloc2 allocates (nSize1 * nSize2) bytes. In case of overflow of the multiplication, or if memory allocation fails, a NULL pointer is returned and a CE_Failure error is raised with CPLError(). If nSize1 == 0 || nSize2 == 0, a NULL pointer will also be returned. CPLFree() or VSIFree() can be used to free memory allocated by this function.

void* VSIMalloc2Verbose(size_t nSize1, size_t nSize2, const(char)* pszFile, int nLine)
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void* VSIMalloc3(size_t nSize1, size_t nSize2, size_t nSize3)

VSIMalloc3 allocates (nSize1 * nSize2 * nSize3) bytes. In case of overflow of the multiplication, or if memory allocation fails, a NULL pointer is returned and a CE_Failure error is raised with CPLError(). If nSize1 == 0 || nSize2 == 0 || nSize3 == 0, a NULL pointer will also be returned. CPLFree() or VSIFree() can be used to free memory allocated by this function.

void* VSIMalloc3Verbose(size_t nSize1, size_t nSize2, size_t nSize3, const(char)* pszFile, int nLine)
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void* VSIMallocVerbose(size_t nSize, const(char)* pszFile, int nLine)
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int VSIMkdir(const(char)* pathname, int mode)
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char** VSIReadDir(const(char)* )
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char** VSIReadDirEx(const(char)* pszPath, int nMaxFiles)
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char** VSIReadDirRecursive(const(char)* pszPath)
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void* VSIRealloc(void* , size_t )
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void* VSIReallocVerbose(void* pOldPtr, size_t nNewSize, const(char)* pszFile, int nLine)
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int VSIRename(const(char)* oldpath, const(char)* newpath)
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void VSIRewind(FILE* )
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void VSIRewindL(VSILFILE* )
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int VSIRmdir(const(char)* pathname)
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void VSISetCryptKey(GByte* pabyKey, int nKeySize)
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void VSIStdoutSetRedirection(VSIWriteFunction pFct, FILE* stream)
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char* VSIStrdup(const(char)* )
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char* VSIStrdupVerbose(const(char)* pszStr, const(char)* pszFile, int nLine)
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char* VSIStrerror(int )
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int VSIUngetc(int , FILE* )
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int VSIUnlink(const(char)* pathname)
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