/* Converted to D from C:/devLibs/gdal21/include/gdal_version.h by htod */ module gdal.gdalversion; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* GDAL Version Information. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ enum uint GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR = 2; enum uint GDAL_VERSION_MINOR = 1; enum uint GDAL_VERSION_REV = 0; enum uint GDAL_VERSION_BUILD = 0; /* GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION macro introduced in GDAL 1.10 */ /* Must be used ONLY to compare with version numbers for GDAL >= 1.10 */ uint GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION(uint maj, uint min, uint rev) pure nothrow @nogc { return maj * 1000000 + min * 10000 + rev * 100; } /* Note: the formula to compute GDAL_VERSION_NUM has changed in GDAL 1.10 */ enum GDAL_VERSION_NUM = GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION( GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR, GDAL_VERSION_MINOR, GDAL_VERSION_REV) + GDAL_VERSION_BUILD; enum GDAL_RELEASE_DATE = 20160425; enum GDAL_RELEASE_NAME = "2.1.0";