Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
  1. enum GByte SRCVAL;
  2. enum float SRCVAL;
  3. enum double SRCVAL;
  4. enum GInt32 SRCVAL;
  5. enum GUInt16 SRCVAL;
  6. enum GInt16 SRCVAL;
    template SRCVAL(void* papoSource, GDALDataType eSrcType, size_t ii)
    extern (Windows) extern (C)
    static if(!(eSrcType == GDT_Byte))
    static if(!(eSrcType == GDT_Float32))
    static if(!(eSrcType == GDT_Float64))
    static if(!(eSrcType == GDT_Int32))
    static if(!(eSrcType == GDT_UInt16))
    static if(eSrcType == GDT_Int16)
    enum GInt16 SRCVAL;
  7. enum GUInt32 SRCVAL;
  8. enum GInt16 SRCVAL;
  9. enum GInt32 SRCVAL;
  10. enum float SRCVAL;
  11. enum double SRCVAL;
  12. enum int SRCVAL;
